"The sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue to know the word and sustain the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught." Is 50:4
I had a day off the week before Christmas. I had a lot to accomplish and only a day to do it in. I just prayed God would take care of all the details and launched into my day. One of the things I knew I really wanted to do was spend time with the Lord, I probably should have started the day that way but couldn't wait and so I didn't get there until later in the afternoon. I made myself a pot of tea and situated myself at the table where I could see my beautiful Christmas tree in front of me while my slightly mess kitchen was to my back.
I have to admit when I plan to spend time with God and listen to His voice I don't always hear anything. I force it too much. But that day God was there. I had given my day to Him and he was ready in the time I had promised Him.
One of the things I prayed about is what this next year will be about. What am I to do going forward? I also wanted to spend time really praying about how to proceed with this business I want to start.
Just the day before I had written what one friend called my "caffeinated" post trying to figure out what my word of the year should be. Yet once I sat down to listen to God instead of my own caffeine crazed thoughts it was so obvious and simple.
I have been doing nothing the past 6 months but release. And in the past couple months I have started having ideas but wasn't sure what to do. But now God says, "Act". I can take action in pursuing my dreams to have an online business and work from home.
But this word came with other words, "listen", "learn", "obey". My action is to come out of those things.
God led me to the scripture at the top of this post that day. "The sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue to know the word and sustain the weary." OK I am interpreting that to be my writing. God has given me something to say worth saying. An interesting thing god revealed to me in this space was my insecurity with doing anything that might bring attention to me. Of course I am afraid to fail and so classically want to give up before I start. But I am also afraid to pursue something God is not leading me to do. I often thing God just wants me to be happy where I am at and I shouldn't pursue more. But in my time with Him I felt a strong nudge to go forward. To not use him as an excuse. So I go forward believing that God has given me this plan and preparing to walk forward together.
"He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught." Most of what I write here comes out of my time with God. My ideas and inspiration are all from Him. So He asks me to "listen" and "learn" each morning with Him. And then "obey". Do what he reveals to me. Take Action.
And if I have learned anything in my years with the Lord it is that when he tells me to do something I need to obey, to "Act" on it.
So that is what I am doing this year.
Look out 2012 here I come!
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