Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Beauty that Surrounds Me

Today as I am sitting at my dining room table/home desk I looked over to see this out my window

And even though I am still enduring hard days, and I still don't like it, I am trying to continue seeing the beauty that surrounds me more than worry about the problems that God is handling.

And so even though in this month of Thanksgiving I am struggling to feel thankful, today for this moment I am thankful for a new home with a beautiful view.

Today my friend Jody over at Even the Sparrow is sharing this message on her facebook page
And even though I want to resist it I am trying to rest in it.

1 comment:

  1. When we moved to KY a few years ago - the view was balm to my soul. It comforted me - and God spoke to me in that view. Praying for you friend - as you set down new roots - praying that the soil be enriched and the Holy Spirit rain down - allowing growth - and care and community! Praying comfort in the settling!
