Wednesday, August 8, 2012

River Hike

About 10 years ago when I was unhealthy, John and I went camping at the North Shore with some friends.  It was an interesting weekend for several reasons not to be covered today.  But, we spent the day Saturday hiking and ended up climbing down a low river, big rock by big rock.  It was hours, I didn't know where we were or if we would ever find our cars again.  And more important than our cars, would I ever see a bathroom again!  This was toward the end of my unhealthy years where I felt sick all the time and was afraid to get too far from a bathroom.  Top off the fact that I hadn't done any physical activity in years and I am seriously only holding it together because I don't want to have a tantrum in front of our friends.  When I look back at that hike I only remember panic, exhaustion and fear.

This weekend we were up in Silver Bay.  After spending time there roofing grandma's house it only seemed fair to take another trip up to have fun and explore the area.  Turns out that river we hiked up and climbed down is just a couple miles from Grandma's house.  And on the way home we decided to stop and check it out.

It is beautiful, and we enjoyed the climb, dipping our toes in the cool water and seeing the water falling around us.  I kept thinking about all that I missed of this hike 10 years ago, how amazing it must have been and how great that we found our way through the woods and down the river and experienced life, nature and the work of God.

It made me realize how far I have come.  How different I am today than I was 10 years ago.  Not only do I feel healthier physically but I feel mentally stronger.  I have grown, changed.  And it motivated me to continue moving forward.  To continue working to stay healthy, especially as I have felt a little less healthy this past year.  Motivated to continue working toward creating business income, sending John to school, raising my children.  Motivated to just get up each day and see what adventures God will bring next.  Challenges come, I was the one that lost her balance and ended up with one shoed foot ankle deep in the river this weekend.  But they can either end your journey or become part of your story as you move toward a goal, discover the beauty of your life and victoriously accomplish God's purpose for you.

Looking down river toward Lake Superior

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