Friday, August 17, 2012

My Eagle Scout

These people all agreed that

this boy 

Should be an Eagle Scout.

Praise the Lord!

It was close but he did it.  His project wasn't one of the best they had ever seen, or even in the pretty good category.  He did the absolute minimum necessary minus a few minor details.  I was biting my nails in the hallway.  However, he has displayed the attitude of a scout on more than one occasion which the members of the board had all witnessed and they believed he was worthy of this award.  I am not sure I am proud of the job he did becoming an Eagle scout but I am proud of who he has been as a Boy Scout, the man he is becoming and I am certain beyond a doubt that he will bring honor to the rank of Eagle.  This is the 100th year of awarding the rank of Eagle Scout for the boy scouts and I watched a nice video about the Eagle award.  In it someone talks about the fact that you always say, "I am an Eagle Scout."  You never say, "I was an Eagle Scout."  It is something that goes with you for ever.

There is still the matter of an official ceremony to bestow this great honor upon him but for the most part we can say now and forever that our son IS an Eagle Scout.


  1. As I was talking to him. I realized when he was questioned by the panel it was not just about how many badges and the project. It is about being a scout through the years since early childhood. with all his mentoring , teaching at Grey Wolf several summers and eagerness to assist all the other scouts in their projects. Eagle Scout truly is a cummulative award and not just for a final project. That information has made me all the prouder to have him be recommended for Eagle. He is paving the way for his sister and all his cousins. I love you Jake.

  2. Congratulations Jake on all your hard work in becoming an Eagle scout. I'm very proud of you! Awesome! Pauline
