Saturday, April 24, 2010

Grandma's home!

My parents finally returned from their warm winter in Florida.  OK it wasn't really a warm Florida winter this year but still warmer than it was here in the frozen tundra.  The 3 month adventure came to end end on Monday evening when they drove into the garage of their townhome.  While I was excited for them to leave in January I did wonder what it would be like to not have my mom available for so long.  I was surprised by how easy it was as the business of life took over.  There were a few times I could have used a sitter or would have enjoyed a shopping companion but over all the 3 months went quickly and smoothly on my side and I think on hers as well.  However, Isabelle didn't think the 3 months went by very quickly and I know the other grandchildren here in MN shared her lack of enthusiasm for the extended separation.  By the end I was getting a daily question about grandma's return.  I mistakenly told her earlier than Grandma would be home after Easter.  I was thinking in terms of landmarking not in literal terms but hours after Easter brunch Isabelle was asking to go see Grandma who surely was home now that Easter was over.  It was hard to tell her it would be a couple more weeks.

But now she is back.  She has returned!  Isabelle spent time Tuesday afternoon at Grandma's right after she returned.  The business of my life continued after her return and so I didn't get to see her until Thursday afternoon.  The weather was beautiful and so we went for a walk at a park, had a treat and even did a little shopping at a boutique.

And Isabelle enjoyed every minute of it.

Oh, we missed you too Dad.


  1. Thanks for not totally forgetting me. But, I do know that Grandma is the one the kids and grandkids want and I'm accepting of that role :-)

  2. What a precious girl. She even asked me if I was still her "peanut". Yes, my dear...forever.

  3. HAHAHAHAHA, loved the almost afterthought shout-out to dad. hahaha
