Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Falling Forward to Something New

Hi Friends!  It is September!  School has started, fall has come.  The weather the past few days has been glorious, warm but not too warm, sunny and beautiful.  This morning I was up early enough to see the sun rise but not so early that it seemed crazy.  I love fall, the weather, the sunrises, the back to school routine.  To be clear I love summer too but I think fall is my favorite.  In a few more weeks the leaves will begin to turn beautiful colors, I will get out my sweatshirts and sweaters, we will have evening bonfires at my brother's house (hint), and get excited that maybe this year the Vikings will pull together a great season.  maybe.

And a month or so ago I announced that this fall I would be moving all my brilliant thoughts from this blog to my other blog "From Homemaker to Working Mom".  To start off the fresh new start I have already written a couple things there this month and have a couple more ideas to continue the momentum!

After a year of complaining to all of you about my lack of inspiration, the struggle that this past year has been, I literally (yes literally) feel like something just popped together in me this past month and I am back to normal.  I feel free and fresh and my mind is off racing in a million directions once again. I was just feeling so much like, well...ME this morning. So today I praised God, thanked Him and worshiped Him for this amazing refreshing of my soul with arms raised high and joy in my spirit (alone in my house with my family sleeping so that nobody could see me of course.)  I feel great!

So although I will miss this blog it just feels like the perfect time to say good bye to it and hello to the new one.  I am not going to lie to you.  I am finding word press to be a little trickier than I would like it to be and although I thought I had figured out the email thing apparently I have not.  So I am still working on that.  And it doesn't automatically publish on my facebook page so I will have to manually do that for now.  But I am getting there and now that I have my enthusiasm for...everything! back I am sure I will get it worked out.  And I really hope you all follow me over there.  I promise to still write in my same conversational and slightly self depreciating way as I share my observations about life.  I don't plan to share quite as much personal family information.  This blog was about parenting and my kids and family.  And as it has been read mainly by family and friends it has felt like a safe place to slightly over share. :)

With the new blog I still want to share my heart and life but my main goal is to encourage women as they return to work or remain working.  As I returned to work 3 years ago (!) I struggled to find much in the way of support and understanding in the transition.  Especially in the christian community.  I had gotten so much support as a homemaker but where are my web sites, books and conferences for the working christian mom? I found a couple things but it is definitely a market that needs a voice.  And I hope that I can very casually but lovingly share my story and with it encourage and support other christian working moms who are trying to maintain faith and family as high priorities while still working and building a career.  OK, I am not going to lie, that last sentence makes it sound sort of boring.  It won't be, it will be fun!  Because life is fun and transitioning to a new thing is fun (new thing!).  And some days if you don't laugh at the circumstances of your life you have to cry.  And I choose to laugh most of the time.  It is hard and challenging too but together as a community we can support, encourage and pray for each other and as a result make the whole thing worthwhile.

So follow me over to the new blog, it's OK, I promise.

OK a few start of the school year pictures for you.
First day of 4th Grade!

Back for his final year of undergrad work at the University of Minnesota

It was our 24th anniversary on Izzy's first day of school.  We all had a great day.